ts-jest[ts-jest-transformer] (WARN) Define `ts-jest` config under `globals` is deprecated. Please do transform: { : ['ts-jest', { /* ts-jest config goes here in Jest */ }], }, See more at https://kulshekhar.github.io/ts-jest/docs/getting-started/presets#advanced (node:2327) ExperimentalWarning: VM Modules is an experimental feature and might change at any time (Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created) PASS src/lib/provable/test/group.test.ts (5.13 s) group Inside circuit group membership ✓ valid element does not throw (878 ms) ✓ valid element does not throw (3 ms) ✓ Group.zero element does not throw (2 ms) ✓ invalid group element throws (5 ms) add ✓ g+g does not throw (7 ms) ✓ g+zero = g (8 ms) ✓ zero+g = g (5 ms) ✓ g+(-g) = zero (4 ms) ✓ (-g)+g = zero (5 ms) ✓ zero + zero = zero (2 ms) sub ✓ g-g does not throw (3 ms) ✓ g-zero = g (3 ms) ✓ zero - g = -g (4 ms) ✓ zero - zero = zero (3 ms) neg ✓ neg(g) not to throw (2 ms) ✓ neg(zero) = zero (2 ms) scale ✓ scaling with random Scalar does not throw (68 ms) ✓ x*g+y*g = (x+y)*g (2 ms) ✓ x*(y*g) = (x*y)*g (1 ms) equals ✓ should equal true with same group (3 ms) ✓ should equal false with different group (2 ms) assertEquals ✓ should not throw with same group (1 ms) ✓ should throw with different group (815 ms) toJSON ✓ fromJSON(g.toJSON) should be the same as g (2 ms) Outside circuit neg ✓ neg not to throw ✓ zero.neg = zero add ✓ (-1,2)+(-1,2) does not throw (1 ms) ✓ g + zero = g ✓ zero + g = g (1 ms) ✓ g + (-g) = zero ✓ (-g) + g = zero ✓ zero + zero = zero (1 ms) sub ✓ generator-(-1,2) does not throw ✓ g - zero = g (1 ms) ✓ zero - g = -g (4 ms) ✓ zero - zero = -zero (1 ms) scale ✓ scaling with random Scalar does not throw (2 ms) ✓ x*g+y*g = (x+y)*g ✓ x*(y*g) = (x*y)*g equals ✓ should equal true with same group (1 ms) ✓ should equal false with different group toJSON ✓ fromJSON('1','1') should be the same as Group(1,1) Variable/Constant circuit equality ✓ add (5 ms) ✓ sub ✓ sub (1 ms) Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total Tests: 45 passed, 45 total Snapshots: 0 total Time: 5.181 s, estimated 8 s Ran all test suites matching /src\/lib\/provable\/test\/group.test.ts/i. [ perf record: Woken up 319 times to write data ] [ perf record: Captured and wrote 81.928 MB src/lib/provable/test/group.test.ts.perf.data (10116 samples) ]